Planning the first and only child !!

Created by Sam Greenwood 15 years ago
In January 2003, Sam and I decided i should have a baby, after discussing this for about 2 hrs over 2 bottles of wine we decide this was a fantastic idea so put the plans in motion, we forgot one thing though, to ask my partner if he wanted one too !! Shaun had a great 6 months until one day when i sat him down (after telling Sam) and told him to look at the two little blue lines on the stick, four tests later and as i was picking him up off the floor we had both made him agree that this was fabulous news (Sam was on speaker phone). Sam was a fabulous friend all through the pregnancy and reveled in my stomach getting bigger and bigger and said "Oh it doesn't matter" as i consumed four pints of full fat milk every day !! So as punishment i made her stay with me for the three days i was in labour as i knew she hated blood !! (By the way Shaun was there too) As always with us we should have known things would not have run smoothly and after 2 days of screaming the midwife decided to go and delivery another baby, leaving Sam to deal with the birth herself. Just before the midwife left, my legs went in stirrups and she said to Sam "right stand in between her legs and hold this on her stomach - if you dont hear the baby give me a shout" Sam looked at the ceiling for 5 hrs and didnt move bless her. At one point she asked Shaun to go and get the midwife and he disappeared and came back with a Burger King, but she bloody ate it!!! After the third day Sam had taken all the blood, sick and tears she could, she marched out of the room and said at the top of her voice "GET ME A BLOODY DOCTOR" Within the hour i'd had a caesarian and Sam was the first person to hold Oliver, they adore each other and i will always remember that time as the closest i ever felt to Sam - until she said "Right here you can have him now - im off home to sleep Tim's here, see you in a couple of weeks !!!!